An online aggregate marketplace for cars. We take your search query, match it against multiple different buy/sell websites, and then notify you whenever there are new listings.
What i did
There are 3 of us building the product - one designer, one backend, and myself who built the web application.
View DemoWe started back in August 2020 and managed to release that December. The backend was built sometime before this, with the generalised idea of being a marketplace aggregation tool . With dibs, we wanted to make a POC for this sort of product, as we see there being much broader applications - expectedly in niche markets with fast transactional turnarounds.
I built the frontend using a pretty familiar stack so that we could execute quickly.
The foundation was built React & Typescript, styled-components with a custom Material UI theme, especially for our more complex UI components.
For state, we used react-sweet-state (shameless Atlassian plug)
Amplitude for analytic user behaviour tracking.
In the process with integrating with Optimizely for feature rollouts & experimentation
Git (hub) for code storing, Jira & Confluence for documentation.
While working on this project, I was able to collaborate with the designer quite closely (I was lucky enough to have worked with both previously at Roam creative) and I picked up a bunch of design techniques along the way. They've been invaluable as I've been able to not only bring the skills into my contracting work, but also build my products with a design first mindset.